Email Marketing

Power of the Inbox

So someone visits your website and takes the time to fill out a form or sign up for your email newsletter. Congrats, you now have an open invitation to enter their inbox. In digital marketing, a valid address is like gold. It allows you to build a relationship with visitors over time, gradually learning more about them in exchange for valuable content. This is the beauty of email marketing and if you're a small business, you can't afford not to have email marketing in your toolkit.

Communicate Directly with Prospects

Email Customization

Your emails should match the look and feel of your website. Make your emails beautiful with customized colors, fonts, and images using HTML templates. Say goodbye to plain text emails and hello to modern design.

Email Automation

Send different emails to your contacts based on how they behave and interact with your website. Nurture and segment your email list with sophisticated workflows that push contacts further down the sales funnel. 

Email Optimization

Open rates, bounce rates, and click-through-rates are great metrics but the goal of email is to facilitate sales. We use these metrics as a starting point to methodically determine what works and what doesn’t.

Email marketing is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook and Twitter .

And email marketing drives more conversions than any other marketing channel, including search and social.

We Offer Email Marketing with our Monthly Packages